I'm here.

Hello there :]
How am i? , hmm i don't know exactly. on this moment good my concact with the rest is a little bit better. today everyone said they like my new hair and were friendly. tomorrow i a talk test with my dutch teacher, and i think its going to be good. but thursday i have the same but then with FRENCH *___* i'm gonna die.
And yeah i was right my dad and my sister were very annoying yesterday in the restaurant, the food was tasty i have to say. tonight were more awake then i had slept. damn it was worse all the time i had to think about everything, but there's something where i haven;t be worries about. because all our money is still on our bankaccount =] so next saturday i should to amsterdam for a meeting but now i'm going earlier so i can do the shopping what i hadn't do last saturday.
xoxox A.


Hello dear
Today everything is going well, only my dad annoy me very much, with his speeches its like i can't everything good and blablabla, i love my new hair now. I hope simone don't think i copied her hair or something, it should be something for them to blame me for that >_< today its very warm and i like it. Tomorrow biking to school with Anna and simone happy for that that i haven't bike alone with Simone. i discoverd a new site, then you talk with strangers. you come in a chat with someone and then you can talk. i have talk now with people from sweden, finland, germany, china, america, brazil and the Uk :] i like talking with people from diffrend countrey's and stuff. in a hour we gonna eat in a italian restaurant. damn god why!? my father is always more anoying when we're eat somewhere else.
This is a quick made photo, i'll make more, say what you think of my hair =D
xoxox A.

The worst day of my life.

I write about i was so excited about saturday, yeah it was today. the hairdresser did my hair, its not bad but not what i want either, we bought some stuff, and then my mom her purse is stolen, when she wanted to pay my sweather. so the rest of the day was, to the police office, and go back home without money or money for food. now i'm finally home with a huge headache and pissed off mood, i wanted that sweather so badley, and we had to buy so much stuff, but one of a stupid guy stole my mothers purse with her Id card and creditcard, that people don't know what kind of problems the people of the stolen pure get. all the trouble with banks and ask for new cards I WANT TO BEAT THAT GUY TILL HE"S DEAD! >:[

Paper Ganstar.

Hmm today i get up i was sooooo tired, so i take the bus to school, i had a long school day, till 4 pm but the whole day was peacefull [thank god] no one of my '' friendgroup'' was on school, maby thats why i didn't worry about things. my grades gonna be much better than before, why i don't know. tomorrow just 3 hours and than weeekend, omg i cant wait :] today i didnt eat much, only 2 bread and 2 rice wafer on school, oooh i'm so proud on myself, i didn't speak vince i heard nothing from him after saturday. i don't know it anymore.

xoxox A.

Did it hurt?

Hi peepz,
My life goes so wonderfull!! not, the only thing what made me happy was the beautifil trip this morning, on the way to school, it was mist and the sun was shining on the wet tree's it was magical to see, Simone was sick, so i had to bike alone, and actually i like it listen to music and thinking and watch the landscape its fine for me. Today i visited Brian to see his little cat Noodles and see how he's grow, omg he's so cute! :) later i biked home with Anna, i had to tell her my feelings and she helped me, and this evening i appologized myself to him, he say it was okay and stuff, but Simone called him and he tell her yeah, Amy appologized herself and its oke, but simone found it to funny and laugh me out, Then she called me and laugh more about it, i was like, oke BYE! damn, my mood was going down because of that.
Blaaargh. stupid world, its better to moved somewhere where no one knows me. People see me as sad because i didn't search for contact with people, but thats because i don't need it. i talk with the people i wanna talk and live in my own wold, in books and in my bed 8D ohyeah, tomorrow 2 repetions of Maths and Economics, my favoriet subjects [not] i'm gonna fail again.
Sweet night to your all.

xoxox A.

Big city dreams.

Sorry for 2 days no posts, but i wasn't in the mood
 hi, i write this yesterday on school,

Hi people
I'm writing this while i'm on school, i'm on math's class now and its always boring. And my ipod is battery low, and i have to bike home on my own, Tonight i slept worse the last couple of nights are crap, and i get weird dreams, My social life is become a little bit better but there is something missing. I'm so facking jealous on the people here, there are french, italian and spanisch people here for exchange, they stay here for a week bij people of school. damn i want that so much, i hope i get that too next year, i love traveling and see new countreys new people and beautiful landscape.

xoxox A.

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